
Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Arundhati Roy: A brave woman exposing the machinations of Indian Prime Minister Modi

India has always boasted of its secularism since its creation and has in varying shades fooled the world of giving the equal rights to all segments of people and treating all religions as per the dictates of a secular state. But the reality is far from different. India believes in Hindutva and successive governments have always tacitly propagated ideology seeking to establish the hegemony of Hindus and the Hindu way of life.

However, in recent times, there is a rising trend to establish the hegemony of Hindus all over India and Muslims are the main target of this ideology. Since taking over the government, the present Indian Prime Minister Modi has been actively pursuing the policy of targeting Muslims and the incidents of forced conversion of Muslims to Hinduism are on the increase. Those who object or refuse to be converted are severely beaten and their properties vandalized. 

The once heavenly Kashmir, which was the main tourist attraction of the world has now been turned into a battle field for its majority Muslim populations has never reconciled with the integration of Kashmir with India, which should have in fact been merged into Pakistan at the time of the independence from the British India being a Muslim majority area. Today more than 600,000 personnel of the Indian army are stationed in Jammu and Kashmir to suppress the rightful independence struggle. 

Charged with extremist Hindu ideology, there are a very few Hindu scholars and thinkers who dare to speak out the truth and against the policies of Modi and expose his machinations to turn India into a Hindu state rather than a secular state where followers of all regions could live freely.

One such sane voice which is being heard all over the world is that of Suzanna Arundhati Roy, a brave Indian author best known for her novel The God of Small Things (1997), which won the Man Booker Prize for Fiction in 1997 and became the biggest-selling book by a non-expatriate Indian author. She is also a political activist involved in human rights and environmental causes. In 2013, Roy described Narendra Modi's nomination for the prime ministerial candidate as a "tragedy". She further said that the business houses were supporting his candidacy because he was the "most militaristic and aggressive" candidate.

In a recent interview to the BBC, she exposes the hidden agenda of Prime Minister Modi, which is being actively pursued just ahead of the Indian elections to raise the temperature and charge the Hindus to vote for him to win a majority government and then to change the Indian constitution to turn India into a purely Hindu dominated country giving no rights for followers of other religions as has been the case of a secular India. Listen to here very candid interview:
It is hoped that saner and peace loving Indians would follow her suit and side away from the militant Hindus who have already brought Pakistan and India almost at the brink of war in recent days - a war if that happens will be a tragedy for the people of both countries as it would leave behind nothing but destruction, on the ashes of which Modi and like will stand and play the flute as did Nero in olden times.

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