Lately there have been two leaders around the world who are making headlines everyday: America's Donald Trump and India's Modi. Many have started comparing the two for their erratic policies and speeches both home and abroad. But are these two comparable?
Well apparently yes for both talk nonsense most of the time and generate a strong reaction from the people of their own countries and even those directly influenced by them or their close neighbours.
But while Donald Trump speaks his own mind, he receives a huge backlash from his people and even his own supporters. But in India, it is other way around. When Modi speaks, and generally speaks of violence and hatred, all institutions of India and media channels vehemently take his side. Although his opponents criticize him strongly, it seems his position as Indian prime minister gives him an upper edge to twist facts in his favour which normally adds his vote bank, specially those war mongering Hindus who are hell bent to prosecute Muslims and minorities whereever seen.
In the recent days, just before the forthcoming elections, Modi and his hysterical team has unleashed a campaign of war mongering against Pakistan and his fanatic followers are making it difficult for the Muslims to live peacefully in their own country. While Kashmir bleeds since partition of British India, and where casualties of the freedom fighters have recently started rising at an unprecedented rate, Muslims all over India too have been publicly beaten, harassed and even asked to leave a dwelling to go "else where."
Watch the exclusive interview of the prominent Indian scholar and analyst Arundhati Roy as to what she has to say when comparing Trump and Modi and how intelligently strips of the Indian prime minister for the nefarious agenda he has up his sleeve:
But is Modi listening?
Watch the exclusive interview of the prominent Indian scholar and analyst Arundhati Roy as to what she has to say when comparing Trump and Modi and how intelligently strips of the Indian prime minister for the nefarious agenda he has up his sleeve:
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