In the era of the new king, sugar became scarce and thus very expensive. People had to queue up the whole day long for a kg of the sweet thing, but returned home empty handed. In one place, many a people, including children and women died in a stampede when the crowd got impatient to get the sugar. Likewise, the flour also became a rare commodity and people took sack full of money to get a handful of flour. This was all being done in complete darkness as there was no electricity either.
Now the news have it that for extra electricity, people have to pay 45% more than what they are paying as the power being rented is very expensive (same as once the IPP did). It is also in the air that sugar price would cross the three digit mark and so would the flour.
So it is also being proposed to the king that he should go public and tell them to eat cakes (in the candlelight) as they would not have either the electricity or sugar and flour. Ready?
Good one sir!
Well Done.
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