Monday, February 27, 2012

Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy's Saving Face wins First Ever Oscar for Pakistan

It is both sad and happy occasion that Pakistan wins its first ever Oscar on a documentary film that is about a heinous crime committed in Pakistan - the acid throwing, mostly targeting women. Although there are no reliable national statistics, but as per an estimate more than hundred cases are reported of people attacked with acid, majority of the victims being women. The figure could even increase if all incidents are reported and registered. The crime is generally committed against wives by the carried out in the family home, by husbands or in-laws or by failed lovers.

The life of the acid victims is a nightmare for the rest of their lives living with dis-configured faces, burnt bodies and scars. Acid throwing menace not only happens in Pakistan but most East Asian countries like India, Bangladesh and Cambodia.

Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy wins Oscar for her Best Documentary (Short Subject) Saving Face
Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy, a Pakistani journalist, documentarian and an Emmy nominated dared to pick up this inhuman practice as  subject for her short subject documentary 'Saving Face.' Sharmeen, who has directed several documentary films, won an Emmy award in 2010 for her documentary Pakistan: Children of the Taliban.

'Saving Face', directed by Oscar and Emmy nominated filmmaker Daniel Junge and Emmy winning Pakistan director Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy, іѕ thе ѕtοrу οf two women frοm Southern Punjab whο аrе victims οf acid violence and their battle for justice and their journey of healing.
Let us hope that the awareness created through this documentary brings a change in the attitude of our people and help stop the violence against women.


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