Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Beware of the Ghosts of Death

Awhile ago I wrote a post “Brain tumor is deadly – take its symptoms seriously.” I wrote it on the day when the wife of a friend was diagnosed suddenly of this deadly disease and was gone in days. I listed some symptoms for everyone to be cautious.

And on the last Friday there was yet another sad news. A 25 years son of a friend of mine was diagnosed with the a tumor and the entire family ran from pillar to post, doctor after doctor and one diagnostic centre to the other and perhaps the best hospitals in Pakistan. There was nothing left that that the parents could try. And sadly the battle winner was the fearsome death in the end. The young man, a telecommunication engineer with a wonderful future ahead lost his battle and departed for his heavenly abode forever.

I met the grieved father and both of us were speechless and wordless as I knew the pain of suffering, and the void in the family and their lives that the parents, and the siblings would bear for a long time to come.

Strange are the ways of Nature when such tragedies occur. One just cannot comprehend the whys of such happenings. Sometimes a baby is born dead or dies soon after, or a year later when everyone had got accustomed to the baby and the innocent giggles and laughter. Sometimes it comes later as it happened to my friend. At a stage when one is thinking of his departure being old and planning hurriedly for the marriages of their grown up children, such tragedies are never even considered. And when these happen, it shatters and breaks the entire family, the siblings and the parents, specially the mother who bore and reared the baby in her own hands and loved him more than anyone in the world.

I once read a letter by the late US president Ronald Reagan in reply to the letter of a mother who had written to the president about his son who was lost in action. The president said, “We do not understand the why of such tragedies. But we should take solace and comfort from knowing that after doing his art in the overall plan of the God, he is finally with his creator.”

The letter was really moving and thought provoking. We all know that God has created nothing without a specific purpose. And when that specific purpose is fulfilled, that object or thing or life is terminated. The same happens to us humans. No matter how a person dies, whether in an accident or a disaster, a calamity, after an ailment or even without any known reason, he goes away to his heavenly abode and report to his Creator on whatever he did in the world.

Those who do good deeds and love others and then die would be the lucky ones. But those who fleece, corrupt the powers in their hands and make others suffer would have to be answerable one day and then suffer forever. I only wish we understand this sooner than later and be ready to leave the world having fulfilled our part sincerely as expected by our Creator. It is only then the world can be a better place to live where everyone is trying to play one’s part to the best of his sincerity and devotion rather than hurting. Remember the ghosts of death are always looming overhead, ready to strike at the one who has run out of one’s time.

Photo: Jalalspages (Flickr)


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