Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Brain Tumor is deadly – take its symptoms seriously

Just yesterday, while we were returning from a party, my wife told me that the wife an acquaintance of mine has been diagnosed with brain tumor two days. While I had hardly digested the worrisome news, the bombshell landed today that she had succumbed to her tumors. With broken hearts, we went to attend the funeral and also talked to the bereaved husband. Though everyone consoled him, one could see the pain of losing his spouse so suddenly as they had hardly completed building their new house and were in the process of settling down.

When talking of her ailment, he said that she had been having headaches for some time, but neither she nor anyone suspected of any major disease and an aspirin or two would make her feel better. Back home, I tried to locate symptoms of the onset of this deadly disease and was appalled to find that almost half of the patients who developed brain tumors have reported that they had been having headaches. Headaches that have no definite pattern should be taken seriously and immediately a doctor be consulted, giving complete run down of the headaches so that he can gather enough data to correlate it with the onset of brain tumor, God forbid if that is so. Remember headaches if accompanied with accompanied nausea or vomiting are very dangerous.

The second major symptom that has been reported by at least one third of the patients is seizures. Although seizures may not necessarily be indicative of brain tumor, and may be due to high fevers, trauma, an impending stroke or epilepsy, but should be taken seriously as these are one of the indications of brain tumor. A seizure can be defined as a sudden involuntary change in muscle control, consciousness or even behavior change. Violent shaking of entire or part of the body or a limb,, followed by empty looks as if staring into the space, difficulty to speak are major indicators of seizures.

Sudden hearing or vision impairment could also e an indicator of this disease. A doctor should be consulted straightaway as he can find signs of increased intracranial pressure by examining your eye. Likewise behavioral and cognitive changes could be associated with the onset of this deadly disease. If you find your spouse or a friend lacking in concentration or find him at loss in finding the right words to say, could be related to some disorder in the brain.

Although nausea and vomiting are very common diseases, but when these occur in conjunction with the symptoms mentioned earlier, these may also tell an observant doctor to order specific tests related to tumor.

A sudden feeling of lifelessness in arms, legs or even facial muscles could be signs of a danger. About 25% patients have reported experiencing of these symptoms, which were later diagnosed with a brain tumor. The aimless gait, bumping into furniture or other objects without any reason, or even falling down while walking are also signs of the disease. Even a strange sensation in one’s hands should not be ignored.

So if something unusual happens to your body and you feel that this hasn’t happened before, immediately consult a doctor, or in fact at least a couple of them for second opinion. Why this is necessary is because in almost 60-70% cases, the doctors fail to diagnose correctly. Insist of elaborate tests for an early diagnosis.

Read more about it – there is so much material available on the subject. Start by getting informed on its symptoms, followed by how it happens and treated. Don’t delay if you are not feeling yourself today.

Related Reading:
Brain Tumor (MedicineNet)
Brain Tumor (Wikipedia)


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